Filtering Segment Documents in Segment Builder
Filtering segments allows you to select the segments that are displayed either by searching for them individually or selecting them by segment owner, segment type and when the segments were last modified and by whom.
- In Segment Builder, click the filter
- Select the relevant filter option: .
- Segment Owner: By default, the user at the top of the list is the person who created the segment. To select other segment owners, click in the select box next to their name.
- Last Modified By: No default is applied to this option. To select a user, click in the select box next to their name.
- Last Modified Date: Default is Any Date.
- Segment Type: Default is All segments. Select Master Segment to view only Master Segments (these are segments that can be re-used across multiple campaigns).
- To reset the selected filters and revert to the default, click the Reset button.
- To filter by an individual segment, enter the segment name in the Search by segment name field at the top of the screen.